

Unlock athlete potential with our video analysis app.

Released on December 7, 2022

injury prevention
video analysis
motion capture
athlete performance
sports training
physical therapy


Yogger is a state-of-the-art video analysis application designed to evaluate and enhance athletic performance through the power of motion capture. Whether for individual self-coaching or organizational use, this application offers efficient, AI-powered movement screenings that help users improve their physical performance, prevent injuries, and track progress.

The application works by allowing users to analyze motion using merely a mobile device or webcam and providing tools to maximize effectiveness in the athletic performance.

It also features the capacity for virtual assessments, which involve detailed, scored reports based on complete movement screenings conducted by users on themselves or their clients.

One can isolate specific joints and monitor advancement effortlessly. With the application, users can thus perform multiple movements and instantly gather all the required information.

As such, Yogger serves as an invaluable tool for sports trainers, physical therapists, and performance coaches looking to motivate their clients, save time, and communicate more effectively about ways to upgrade their clients performance.


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