Pet Booth

Pet Booth

Create your own AI pet photos.

Released on March 12, 2023

photo enhancement
image generation
image editing
pet photography
theme-based imaging
pet portraits


Pet Booth is an AI tool that allows users to generate unique, creative images of their pets. By uploading 10-20 photos of the pet, the user can receive up to 100 new photos with the selected themes.

The tool provides over 80 theme options, including holiday-related backgrounds, different landscape settings, as well as professional roles such as a police officer or chef.

After the photos are uploaded, the AI tool processes the images and creates new ones within 30 minutes. The resulting images consist of both photorealistic and artistic simulations.

Quality and variety of input photos are of paramount importance as they affect the end result. The tool seeks a balance between high quality and diversity of backgrounds and poses.

User-friendly, fast and fun, Pet Booth makes it easy for pet owners to personalize and enhance their pet pictures.

Pet Booth

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