Identify and flag text for content verification.

Released on March 29, 2023



The AI Content Detector is a powerful tool provided by that allows users to detect and check AI-generated content. It specifically identifies and flags text generated by AI models like ChatGPT, GPT3, GPT2, Jasper, and others.

The tool can analyze various types of written content such as documents, articles, social media messages, and website content. It supports popular document formats like PDF and Word, and can extract text from website URLs.

The AI Content Detector utilizes advanced algorithms to comprehensively evaluate the quality and authenticity of the content provided. It provides accurate results by continuously training the system to detect new AI models and staying up-to-date with the latest AI technology advancements.An in-depth analysis is conducted by the tool, providing detailed insights into the content.

It identifies the percentage of AI-generated content in each paragraph and sentence, highlighting it in different colors for easy identification. Detailed reports are generated, displaying the percentage of AI-generated content in each sentence and providing a summary of the overall AI-generated content in the prioritizes user privacy, ensuring that the inputted text is not saved, shared, or made available online.

The tool also offers two distinct methods (Method A and Method B) to detect AI content, allowing users to thoroughly check their content and minimize the risk of AI-generated text.

The AI Content Detector provided by is valuable for students, teachers, educators, writers, employees, freelancers, copywriters, and anyone who needs to identify AI-generated text.

The tool's accuracy rate is impressive, constantly improving as AI technology evolves.

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