Amadeus Code

Amadeus Code

Songwriting help; user-friendly, free music library.

Released on April 16, 2022



Amadeus Code is an AI-powered songwriting assistant created by the company Amadeus Code Inc. It is an easy-to-use platform that helps songwriters generate new ideas and develop them into finished songs.

It provides users with an extensive royalty-free music library produced with AI, as well as a suite of tools to help them create and refine their work.

The company also provides a range of corporate information, including information on recruitment, investor relations and news, on their official website.

Furthermore, the website includes a privacy policy, a statement on specific commercial transactions under the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions and localized versions in Japanese and English.

All content is copyright ©2023 Amadeus Code Inc.

Amadeus Code

Featured AI Tools


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